Insert disk 3 to load the game without the intro sequence, as the screen goes blank press 'C' a few times. Once the game has loaded, select a new game, then when you get to the map screen you should notice that your player's name has changed to "It's You, Buddy". Now when the game starts, you will have plenty of cash in your bank account.
Enter "FLIGHT SIM" for the name of the park and you will start the game with 200K instead of the usuall 130K.
Enter "DEMO" for the name of the park for a ready made one.
Position a bouncy castle anywhere in the park (positioning the entrance and exit any where). Now pause the game until you notice the writing above the entrance speed up, and type 'L', (pause), 'I', (pause), 'V', (pause), 'E', (pause), 'C', (pause), 'A', (pause), 'S', (pause), 'H', (pause), 'P', and 'P'. You should now get a new shop and ride every year.
To get the baddest roller coaster without having to pay for it, place your roller coaster doorway where you want and build the smallest loop you can around it using the least number of sections possible. Open it up and close it down immediately (to only be charged for the tiny ride). Now remove the tiny loop and build your dream coaster without paying a dime.
Enter your nick name as 'MIKE' and start the game as usual. Some options will now become available to you, press the following keys to activate them:
'Z' will allow you access to all the rides in the game
'X' will give you all the amenities
'I' will give you all of the shops
'C' will give you $50,000 or �100,000 (depends on your version)
NOTE: If you reload the game from a saved posision the money cheat will have disappeared. So get your money up to about $10m before you save the game.
Your park gets its fame from your most impressive user definable rides, so if you want the biggest, fastest, longest, highest and most expensive roller-coaster in the world, follow these simple steps:
This is a simple concept but fiendishly difficult to put a good plan into action. It's all too easy at the start of a game to be tempted to laypaths everywhere. Then, an hour into the proceedings people are banging into everything, getting lost and wandering the wrong way through exits. If all this happens you may as well start again, but with a little forethought this needn't happen. Planning is the key to the overall success of the theme park but (without trying to get deep) the pathways are the veins that carry the blood supply around so concentrate on getting it right first time.
Initially just lay the minimum of paths needed to get people to your rides and stalls. There's no point in getting congested early on in a game.
As the park begins to build up, start seriously thinking about using the one-way arrow system. Be extremely careful to examine every section of path that adjoins a section with a one-way arrow on it. It's very easy to slap down a couple of markers and inadvertently close off the only access route to your attraction. If used correctly, arrows can be an efficient method and moving the little folk around sections of the park they may not normally go to by choice, like that expensive novelty shop.
Another vitally important feature is the signposts. Be sure to signpost your exit, the toilets and all your best rides so that people who want to take advantage of the facilities can at least find them.
Don't have people running around dying for a pee, and try to keep a Super Toilet near each gut-wrenching ride so that people can get there if need be!
These are the people who'll smile in the rain, won't mind having kiddies tormenting them and know everything about the running of the business.
Entertainers are there to keep people happy but you have to keep them happy too. If an employee's morale is low because of wages or whatever, then you won't get the best out of them and they will not be as entertaining as they should. At this stage you have two options, the first of which involves sacking the perpetrator and pringing in fresh, enthusiastic blood. The second is to hand out a nice pay rise and hopefully get a bit of appreciation for being a nice boss.
Entertainers aside, it is obviously vital to get enough handy men to keep the park tidy and clean, and mechanics to fix all your knackered rides. Keep them well paid and they'll fix more and clean more. If the worst comes to the worst and your guys are threatening a walkout then haggle for a short while, but under no circumstances let them walk out. You can't afford strike action as it will cripple your park so even if you have to backtrack and risk making yourself look stupid, make sure you get an agreement at all costs.
Keep a careful eye on the thought bubbles that appear above the punters' heads as these are a fine indication of the mood of the people.
Try to respond to a problem if there are a lot of people with the same thought, For example, if they think your cola is too expensive, that's easy to sort out. Trickier problems to solve are when people are just unhappy with what they're getting full stop. It may be that you rides aren't exciting enough, or that they find the park scruffy and uninviting. You will have to judge this mood for yourself.
Fixing such problems can generally be more expensive. If people think your park is boring then the only way to improve it is to put more thrilling rides in and they don't come cheap. It's a vicious circle that you'd really be better not getting involved in in the first place.
Keep your visitors happy by keeping them well fed and watered. People are less likely to complain if their bellies are full. Price the goods carefully because if people decide not to buy because of cost then they'll be unhappy because they feel they are being ripped off and also because they are hungry.
Operate on the principal of 'if they have money in their pockets, it's yours for the taking'. They've brought it to spend it, so get it off them in places like novelty shops, burger bars and, of course, your oh-so exciting rides.
For God's sake, get your toilets cleaned regularly. Filth is bad for business and if the word gets around that your park is unhealthy customers will drop off and you'll get little men with clipboards arriving to check things out.
Think a couple of rides ahead. Leave space for decorations like trees and walls. Wall off your bigger rides so that little kids can't wander around the danger areas. Everything like this improves your position in the rankings.
You want your guests to be able to visit every area of your park, giving them as few descisions about direction as possible, while not forcing them around with too many one-way signs. In short, what you want to do is this: Split them up the moment they arrive by taking the entrance paths on routes to the left and the right. Then build yourself a loop, so the entire park is accessible. Complete the loop first, then place rides and stalls the moment they come through from research. Open up after placing a ride on each side of the loop. Avoid duplicating rides, unless you're feeling particularly flushed with cash.
Leave room on the edges of your park for your second wave of expansion. You'll want a second loop over the original.
Place a balloon shop by the entrance for the moment your guests arrive. The balloons will make them happier for the duration of the visit, as well as making some easy money.
Link ride exits to the thoroughfare with a short path, then place a one-way sign on it to stop guests from wandering up the wrong route. By placing the exit close to the ride entrance, your guests won't be disorientated when they come off the spinny-pukey affairs.
Allocate and zone one handyman to each side of the park in the early stages, then later in the game, go up to six.
Put your shops directly onto the path. Then place the rides behind them. Place your biggest rides deep into the park. That way the guests will walk through all your stalls and shops to get there.